Foundation Year


Foundation Year is a two-semester introductory course to first-degree studies. It is a form of entry to the University which later on makes your studies easier and helps you to fit in.

We know from experience the educational systems around the world vary a lot. We fill this gap by inviting you to the Foundation Year, which will prepare you to study at WUT.

Please note it is not possible to apply directly for the Foundation Year. The programme is addressed only to international candidates who are applied for Bachelor studies in English at WUT, but because of their unsatisfactory results on online Placement Tests taken during the application, they cannot be granted admission directly into 1st year of studies. Such candidates need to enroll and complete Foundation Year first and then continue with the Bachelor studies.


About the Foundation Year/ Programme:

  • Duration: 2 semesters/ 600 hrs
  • 8 modules: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Introduction to Information Technologies, Introduction to Engineering, English for Engineers, Polish for Foreigners & Polish Culture
  • Price: PLN 18 000 


  • Designed to fill the gap between students’ current level of qualification and knowledge and the level needed to continue their studies at WUT
  • Designed to help students coming from different education systems around the world to align their existing qualifications to the Polish education system and become eligible for admission/and become prepared to continue their studies at WUT


More information is available at


FOUNDATION YEAR GRADUATES ► Instructions for graduates of the Foundation Year on how to continue with the application process for full-time studies.