Civil Engineering
M. Sc. Civil Engineering (spec. Civil Engineering Structures)
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Duration: 1.5 years
Starts in: October
A three-semester program and preparation of the final M.Sc. thesis under the guidance of the Faculty supervisor allows students to acquire comprehensive knowledge and qualifications in the area of civil engineering. Graduates of the Master's program can handle design problems with a high degree of complexity and investment projects of a unique nature. They are prepared to carry out research projects and can manage design projects or run construction companies. Graduates of the Civil Engineering program are offered engineering and administrative posts in industry, construction, research, government and consulting companies.
Examples of modules:
• Engineering of Building Materials
• Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity
• Design Methodology of Construction Processes
• Computer Methods for Structural Design
• Mechanics of Structures
• Concrete, Metal, Timber Structures
• Reliability of Structures
• Computer-aided Design of Structures
Graduate can:
• apply material strength principles and structural mechanics; formulate, construct and apply calculation models for the basic engineering structures; design basic structures and building elements for residential, municipal, industrial buildings and transport infrastructure;
•manage construction teams and companies with regard to execution and supervision of any type of civil structure; knows how to organise building process, calculate costs and arrange legal and administrative affairs in the construction business;
• organise and supervise the production of building elements; knows the technology of manufacturing, selection and application of building materials;
• create and read technical drawings, read cartographic and site surveying opinions;
• apply modern computer techniques to aid in designing and using modern technologies in engineering practice.
Career opportunities:
• design and development companies;
• construction companies, construction supervision duties;
• building materials industry, concrete batching plants, companies manufacturing building and structural elements;
• central and local government administration.