Power Engineering
M.Sc. Power Engineering
Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering
Duration: 1,5 years
Starts in: October & February
At M.Sc. Power Engineering students learn about recent achievements in the field and the methods and tools that prepare them for taking management positions in industry or undertaking research activities. The third semester of the 3-semester-study is devoted to solving a research problem. The problem statement and solution are put into the master's diploma thesis—graduates of M.Sc. Power Engineering is prepared for creative work and research within processes control in the power industry and in related industries. They can develop techniques of energy conversion and maintain power systems. They can also perform the modernisation of machines, implement new technologies, as well as establish and manage small enterprises in power energy sectors. Graduates are also prepared to undertake PhD studies in power engineering and other related fields.
Examples of modules:
• Computational fluid dynamics
• Energy efficiency
• Energy Policy and Law
• Numerical methods in heat transfer
• Algorithms and Program of Heat Balances
• Advanced Heat Transfer
• Advanced Renewable Energy Sources
• Future Power Technologies
• Statistical and Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics
• Neural networks
• Project Management