Mechatronic Devices and Systems

M.Sc. Mechatronics  

Specialization: Mechatronic Devices and Systems  

Faculty of Mechatronics  

Duration: 1,5 years  

Starts in: October & February 

The second cycle of full-time studies in the field of Mechatronic Devices and Systems aims to prepare students to design mechatronic devices and solve complex, interdisciplinary design and construction problems. Students acquire the necessary practical knowledge of the methods and tools of computer design, microprocessor control, drives and actuators, and the automation of processes related to industrial manufacturing techniques and device sensors, including optical devices and Opto-mechatronic systems. Graduates are prepared to work or undertake third-cycle studies. They receive theoretical and practical preparation to apply new achievements of science and technology, create and use modern precision and electronic devices, as well as to formulate goals and needs for implementation research.  


Examples of modules:  

• Introduction to Phyton / Machine Learning  

• Advanced microcontrollers  

• Mechatronic Devices Automated Control  

• Mechatronic Systems  

• Vending Machines  

• Diagnostics of industrial objects  


The graduate can:  

• design and develop new types of mechatronic devices,  

• create acceptance tests of devices and verify the correctness of the results,  

• integrate knowledge in mechanics, construction and operation of machines, electronics, computer science, automation, and robotics and control in the design, manufacture, and operation of products and the analysis of products in their environment.  

• participate in interdisciplinary teams solving problems related to construction, manufacturing, sale, exploitation, servicing and diagnosing mechatronic systems as well as machines and devices in which they occur.  


Career opportunities:  

• industry producing mechatronic systems - electromechanical, motorisation, household appliances, aviation, machine tools,  

• industry and other institutions that operate mechatronic service systems as well as machines and devices in which they are used.